Tuesday 26 July 2011

Wild Food, medicinal Plants and off grid survival

There are two  great new website for anyone interested in growing organic veg or making a vegetable garden or with an interest in medicinal plants and wild food, environmental and eco friendly subjects.

Lots of handy tips and info plus a pictorial guide to wild food and medicinal plants, odd grid living, bushcraft, survival and preparedness resources on this website including free PDF books and videos to read watch and download for free.

1 comment:

  1. Hi, love your site. I have just started a blog on wild food and wild medicinal plants. It's only small atm but I am adding a new post every few days. It documents the uses, both edible and medicinal, of all of the plants found in my local environment, both weeds and natives. When I have completed those, I will spread out from there. I am also compiling a spreadsheet containing all of the plants of the world, an ethnobotanical database, which I will post, and update as I go, as I have access to many scientific journals. I would be most greatful if you could have a look and tell me what you think. You can find it here; www.wallumsmusings.blogspot.com
